
Back Into the Swing of Things

Ender is 8 1/2 months now. How did time sneak up on us so fast? I remember it was just yesterday, I was pregnant and we decided to move back with my parents for extra help. I remember being so worried that we wouldn't have enough for us, for Ender. But here we are almost 9 months later and we're finally getting back into the swing of things. I started a new full-time job at a start up in San Francisco, which allows me to work from home every Wednesday. Emil is more than half way done with school. God is so good. When I look at Ender smile, hear him laugh, and feel his hands reach for my embrace, I remember the point of this all. I remember that everything we do is for Love. Love helps us transition out of our old ways and transform into stronger and purposeful people. My dream of owning my own design studio still exists, but for now I'll take it one day at a time. Emil always reminds me that "in time" we'll get there. And so we will. But for now I'm enjoying each day of this crazy adventure.


  1. Aw I love this! Keep working hard for Love and your dreams will happen in His time!

    Whenever I get a little restless at my job, I just repeat to myself "Laborare est orare", meaning "to work is to pray". I'm sure Ender will appreciate the hard work the both of you have been doing for him!

    Let's lunch soon, yeah? :)

    1. Thanks Lisa! I love that saying, thanks for sharing! And yes, lunch soon! <3
