
Hello Monday!

Happy Monday! This past weekend was beautiful. Not only did we get to experience sun all day but our niece received her first holy communion. Spending time with family is always worth driving long distances just to see them. 

On another note, it feels like just yesterday we found out we were expecting. Now I'm 5 1/2 months pregnant... and this bump isn't getting any smaller! Time flys when you're experiencing new and beautiful things. We get more and more excited each passing day. One day we'll be talking about potential names and the next we're talking about what we can make for the baby. I made these little booties as an experiment with again, left over yarn and fabric (check out materials below). I learned a simple pattern on YouTube and customized the rest as I went on.  I can't wait to make more of these little guys. They're so fun, adorable, and make great gifts!

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