

The weather this week has had its ups and downs. But today is looking beautiful! What a great way to end the week. While some of our friends and family are taking off for the Cinco De Mayo weekend, Emil and I will be keeping it simple and partying at... home. Yup! Don't get me wrong I do miss the days when we were able to take a trip wherever we wanted and whenever. But now that we have our precious baby on the way things are changing, our dollars are stretching. I do wish I had the energy to go out and bring Emil fishing. We always talk about doing it one day, since he hasn't gone in a very long time. He's been working so hard for us he deserves a little vacation. Emil is such a devoted and loving husband. I couldn't ask for more. So while we wish we were out fishing during this glorious weekend, we'll be busy enjoying the presence of our family and friends over good food and conversation. Thank you God for the little things that bring greater joy to our lives.

Illustration by Remilla Ty

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