

We are looking forward to this sunny and restful weekend. Some of the things Emil and I plan on attending are St. Catherine's Candle Lit Young Adult Mass, which never fails to be a beautiful experience (more info here) and Maker Faire in San Mateo (more info here). Emil's been a big fan of Make Magazine for some time now. I remember back in our "dating days", when we'd go to Barnes and Noble I would find him sitting in the corner reading the magazine (along with comic books of course). It combines all his interests: science, gadgets, and building things. Emil's going to be one happy guy this weekend. I can already imagine our day: Emil exuberantly elaborating on the different exhibits/demos, the science behind it, how we can build it too, which speakers he likes the most, and how awesome everything is. Oh, I just love this man... such a kid at heart. I can't wait to get inspired this weekend!

PS. Baby is moving like crazy! I can actually feel the baby turning now. My belly is starting to look like a water bed. Still can't believe we're already in our last trimester. Can't wait to meet our little one!

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