
Ender's First Haircut

In many traditions, especially ours, you don't cut your child's hair until after the age of 1. They say it's for "good luck". Emil and I are not very superstitious people, so with one month left until Ender turning 1 we spontaneously decided to cut his hair. Our family freaked out. We even freaked out. But Ender enjoyed it. He actually went through two haircuts. The first one was done by Emil. It turned out really nice until Emil accidentally messed up (my heart sank and I died) when he tried to make it even. This picture was taken before daddy went in to clean it up.

The second haircut was done by an actual barber. We brought Ender to Emil's barber to get it fixed. Thank goodness it turned out awesome. Ender was so good too! He smiled almost the entire time and kept waving his arms underneath his cape.

Some tips for your baby's first haircut (that worked for us): bring snacks and a book to keep your baby's attention focused, point to the mirror every now and then so they see their reflection (babies like to smile at themselves), and make sure they get a good nap in before your appointment. 

We can't believe we hit another milestone moment. Ender will be 1 in a matter of weeks! Now on to even more exciting things... planning his birthday party!

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