
Finding time to pray

Taken at Muir Woods earlier this year
Ender's sick, I have design deadlines to meet, meetings to attend, dinner needs to be served by the time Emil comes home, our room is a complete mess, Jinx needs to be walked, I need to go to the gym, text and email people back... where does time for me even fit? Or better yet, where does time for God even fit? I feel like I'm constantly slammed with things to do that I never have time to just reflect and relax. I seriously need to make this part of my daily schedule. If I don't recharge then I'm bound to burn out. I mean, an hour to myself is not that hard to have right? After all, these blessings in my life would have never been possible without God. I use to go to the Adoration chapel after work on my way home a few years back. Even though it pushed back dinner time by an hour it seriously was worth it. There's nothing like unwinding in front of His presence. I probably won't find that much time out of my day anymore to make a trip to the chapel but I'm sure I can do something. So from here on out I'm dedicating one full hour of prayer and quiet time. Lord knows I need it!

How do you fit prayer in your schedule?


Ender's First Haircut

In many traditions, especially ours, you don't cut your child's hair until after the age of 1. They say it's for "good luck". Emil and I are not very superstitious people, so with one month left until Ender turning 1 we spontaneously decided to cut his hair. Our family freaked out. We even freaked out. But Ender enjoyed it. He actually went through two haircuts. The first one was done by Emil. It turned out really nice until Emil accidentally messed up (my heart sank and I died) when he tried to make it even. This picture was taken before daddy went in to clean it up.


The 4th

Hope you had an exciting 4th of July! We spent it relaxing and catching up with family during the day. Emil and our cousins went a little crazy with waterballons since it was so hot! For the rest of the evening we enjoyed staying home and laying low.